Friday, December 19, 2008

Welcome to Financial Balance!

Finally, it's 2009. Phew! Wipe the dust of 2008 off your feet here, and let's step into a whole new year.

Starting on January 1, I'll be tracking my expenses--yes, my actual personal and household spending (which includes one husband, a two-year-old, two cats and moi)--in order to get a better grip on where all our money goes.

Where does it go? There are so many ways to ask that question: Where does it GO??? Where DOES it go? WHERE does it all go, for pete's sake?

The only way to find out for sure, and learn all kinds of fun things about yourself and your money that you didn't anticipate, is to monitor what you spend for a week or two or four.

Little-known fact: Tracking spending remains The Most Loathed Task On Earth!!!! Thus making it even cooler that we're doing it together. Right? Stick with me and I'll help you clean out the garage this spring. (That would be Most Loathed Task #2.)


missbhavens said...

I'm with you! 2009 will be The Year of Money Understanding!

(but I'm keeping my Netflix subscription. Case closed.)

Anonymous said...

There's more to financial balance than tracking expenses. What about making investments choices? Most women don't know where to begin. Will there be any discussion about this?

M.P. Dunleavey said...

Heck, yeah! We have to talk about investing, because that builds your worth. This month, however, is about getting a grip on spending.