Friday, January 23, 2009

Major Spending Insight

Latest expenses from the past few days (Sunday 1/18 to Thur 1/23), including my husband's:

$11--Hub's lunch
$36--Hub's haircut
$27--My biz mtg
$30.78--fleece and socks
$65--wine (incl. for the 'Inaugural Ball' we attended)

Reminder! I'm tracking our daily expenses, not our basic bills. I mean, I'm tracking those too, but they're more or less the same every month (some variation for heat, electricity). The expenses I'm interested in are the extras: the "where does all the money go?" money.

What's interesting is that I thought we were money leakers, falling prey to a cease stream of little purchases. That used to be our pattern, when we lived in NYC.

Now I'm realizing that the money is more like to go in chunks--as for the biz trip. We're chunkers, not dribblers. I have to think of cuter terms.

I would say this exercise has also made me a lot more cautious about spending. Mindful. I have walked away from several purchases--including a package I decided not to mail, because I was going to see the person soon anyway.

5 comments: said...

Thank you for the latest update. I appreciate you being vulnerable with the rest of us. I spotted the $36 hub haircut. Wow! In Northern California the going rate is $18 (plus $2 for a tip). I thought $20 was bad. I'll keep my mouth shut! In the spring, summer, and fall, I shave my head to put $100 back in my pocket and let my wife spend it on her fancy salon runs ...

Anonymous said...

It might be interesting for you to also track money you "didn't" spend that you might have in the past. In fact, you might try to put that money in savings or set it aside for some special occasion.

Frugal Scholar said...

It would be interesting to go back over your spending and--a la Your Money or Your Life--see if you got good value from the expense. Is the haircut worth $36? Could you have skipped an appetizer? Stuff like that...

PattiG said...

Hi from another freelance writer trying to manage expenditures as my business spirals downward. Food is also my downfall, financially and otherwise!

Anonymous said...

Cool story as for me. I'd like to read more about this matter.
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