Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Oops! Factor

OK, this is the upside of spending tracking--once you get into a rhythm, it's pretty dull, which can be a nice change from the stress of watching the greenbacks fly. but there's a downside. Here's where you run the danger of losing track of little things.

My husband spend $30 at the hardware store the other day, on top of the $14 at the grocery store. But because DH (a.k.a. dear husband) does most of the shopping--and ALL the bill-paying-- I have to rope him in.

I haven't spent a dime in the last few days (it was so cooooold last weekend we didn't go out). But we got an oil delivery and some wine in the last week--not sure what those things cost, and I have to track them down, in addition to any other bills that he might have paid (or gas for the car).

Last: Another biz trip coming up this week. A friend's book party. Another friend's engagement--and I'm taking them out to dinner! These are the unexpected expenses that one often wants to disregard ("How often does that happen?"), but ya gotta.

Why? Because every month there's something. That's why I have a special branch of my ING Direct savings account labeled "necessities", i.e. those out-of-the-blue expenses. I put $50 a week into that account, and then empty it periodically--when we needed a new snow tire, or have to take a newly engaged friend to dinner.


Totallyisham.com said...

Life happens daily, make sure to live it ... within rea$on.

Anonymous said...

I would ask the hubby to make sure to post the bill payments or any money spent to a spreadsheet since he's in charge of the finances

M.P. Dunleavey said...

I think you're right--we need some kind of spreadsheet system. We tend toward pen and paper...old-fashioned, despite our techno-happy era....

Laura K said...

Why do you have to take your friends out to dinner? Why not lunch or breakfast or brunch? Or invite the friend to your house for a home-cooked meal. Or do something that is mostly free: give a handmade card or other handmade item. In the 1-1/2 to 2 hours it takes to get to the restaurant, eat, and get home, you could pull together an amazing card out of stuff lying around the house. Those who sew, quilt, knit, crochet, etc can make little gifts in advance to have on hand when they need them.

It's all about choices. If your friends only love you because you buy them dinner, find some new friends who appreciate you for who you are, not what you can buy them.