Friday, January 16, 2009

Spending spending spending

Gag. Here are the raw numbers of the last few days. I don't even feel like commenting on my own excesses. Except that I warned myself. I knew this was going to be a slightly over-the-top trip, because a) of the celebratory dinner and b) the unusual amount of time in NYC (which sucks money out of your wallet before you wake up in the morning).


$10—lunch for two
$297—celebratory dinner
$35--office space (daily rental charge)







1 comment:

Laura K said...

$300 for dinner for 3?!?!?! Really! What ever happened to "it's the thought that counts"? Spending more money does not mean you're a better friend. To me it says that you don't value yourself very much, if you're going to dig yourself into a hole trying to impress people who should like you for who you are, regardless of how much money you have.